- Sports and remedial massage therapist
- Holistic complementary therapist
- MLD (Manual Lymphatic Drainage) Therapist
- Personal Trainer
- Active sports player
- STOTT Pilates Instructor
Anne is a qualified sports and remedial massage therapist and Personal Trainer/Pilates Instructor. Having been involved with various sports over the years including netball, tennis and running she knows how beneficial it is to keep your body in tip top condition, preventing and overcoming injuries. She is still passionate and enthusiastic as ever about helping patients achieve their goals. Over the years, Anne has worked with a wide variety of elite sports people especially in squash, tennis, netball, running and has helped patients at all age groups whether it be sport, occupational or emotional wellbeing. Anne also offers alternative therapies which include hot stone massage therapy, manual lymphatic drainage, Indian head massage and Aromatherapy.
Diploma in sports and remedial massage, Diploma in holistic complementary therapies, Diploma in Manual Lymphatic Drainage, Personal Trainer level 3, STOTT Pilates