Despite changes to the Covid Regulations on 24th February 2022 we will continue to follow specific guidelines set out for us by Public Health England and our governing bodies.

Before attending, please print and fill in our Coronavirus Patient Consent Form

Opening hours are shown on our website home page and are reviewed regularly based on demand.

We will allow for rigorous cleaning between appointments and staff will continue to wear appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and continue to adhere to social distancing where possible.

We ask that if you have tested positive or have been asked to isolate you do not attend any appointment. We also ask that where possible you give us 24 hours’ notice before cancelling an appointment, if the cancellation is less than 24 hours you will be charged 50% of your appointment fee (except in Covid-19 related incidences or illness).

We will only allow 1 person in the treatment room at a time, the only exception to this is anyone under 16 or those with special needs who may need a chaperone or carer present. If you need to be driven to your appointment your driver will be asked to stay in the car at all times during your treatment, to reduce people collecting in the waiting area.

Admission to the clinic

  • On arrival at the clinic we are happy to invite you into the waiting area if you are willing and able to wear a face mask.
  • If you choose not to wear a face mask we ask that you wait in your car and the relevant therapist will collect you at your treatment time. If you have a medical exemption in regard to mask wearing or do not wish to wear a mask, please inform us on making your appointment.
  • We then ask that you wash your hands and then take a seat until your appointment time.

If you are booked in for a Sports Massage we would ask that you bring your own towel to the appointment.

We ask that you allow your therapist to open all doors during your appointment and if you need to use any equipment, we will ensure that equipment is wiped down after use.

Once your appointment is finished, you will be escorted back to the waiting area again before making payment, we prefer this to be CARD where possible.